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Nordstreet is a crowdfunding platform that radically changes real estate investment opportunities. From now on, Real Estate investments are no longer reserved for venture capital firms or very rich entities: everyone has an opportunity to choose an RE project and invest an amount of their choice from only 100 Eur.

What did we do?

  • Created PWA (Progressive Web Application)
  • Multifunctional administrative management system
  • Historical data transfer from Laravel and advanced sorting
  • Technical preparation of a new project design
  • Paysera automatic payment system integration
  • Advanced integration with Google Analytics and other marketing tools
  • Secondary market, where investors may transfer the available Rights of Recourse to other Investors.

Used technologies

  • Nuxt.js
  • Symfony
  • MySQL database


Next Case -HeavyFinance

A unique marketplace to invest in mortgage loans to help businesses in farming, forestry and infrastructure.

All Cases

Interested? Let's discuss your project

Call us or write us an email and we will arrange a meeting, during which we will discuss your project and our ideas for you.