Liudas Stanevičius

Reflecting on 2023

As we count the final days of 2023, our team gathered around the table for the 15th time to review and evaluate the company’s structure and challenges, celebrate achievements, and outline plans for the upcoming year. Embracing the values of partnership, growth mindset and transparency, we want to share our annual review with you:

Strategic planning: The year started productively, with a deep focus on refining and improving our company’s mission, vision, and values. This ensured that our team was “all aligned”. We revisited and updated our B.I.G (Bold, Inspiring, and Guiding) goals, annual goal methodology, and internal & external comms, involving more colleagues in decision-making, not just execution. We adapted

Role clarification: Over the years of company growth, we recognized a situation where employees were unsure about the clarity of their responsibilities. Therefore, we decided to try the RACI responsibility allocation matrix. This brought clarity to our operations and provided opportunities for everyone to be more focused and productive.

Adoption of OKR Framework: OKR became our internal driving force – colleagues with different competencies joined forces for a common company goal. One of the most interesting OKRs was “Increase team productivity by integrating AI.” This technology seamlessly integrates into our processes, optimizing or eliminating repetitive tasks, increasing productivity, and team satisfaction. Today, Copilot and ChatGPT are part of our daily routine, and we are ready to incorporate this Tech revolution into our work processes in the future.

Startup Wise2Sync: After strategic considerations, this year we made the decision to separate our created product from Creation, operating as a separate company, and we celebrated this on September 12. This event was a significant challenge that we seem to have overcome successfully, seeing delightful results.

Projects: We launched several projects that we haven’t widely shared yet. Two main ones worth mentioning are the Apple-authorized online store www.ideal.lt and the window online store www.mynest.lt. We will share more about these and other projects soon.

Customer Survey: We conducted a survey to understand the strengths and weaknesses of our services, customer satisfaction levels, and, based on the results, take action for improvement. We appreciate the engagement and constructive feedback from our clients, which will guide us in the action plan for change. At the beginning of next year, we will share the survey results and our decisions with you.

Moving away from technical details and already embracing the festive mood, it’s important to highlight the culture of emotional and recreational balance in our company. We believe that we have to celebrate our achievements, and keep appreciating traditional after-work team-building traditions, and here are a few things from many worth mentioning for 2023:

  • We dedicated ~1500 hours to education and personal development,
  • Welcomed 6 new colleagues to our team,
  • Two colleagues heading on maternity leave!

We believe that the coming years will strengthen the discoveries of this year, nurturing company values, embracing ownership and collectively bringing all business online. Therefore, we will continue building partnerships and making business app development a creative and profitable growth experience for our partners.

Wishing you a cosy Christmas and an enthusiastic and successful 2024.


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