
The hidden success of electronic business is the billing process

The hidden success of electronic business is the billing process

When finding ways to increase e-store sales, the importance of the billing process is often underestimated and “missed”. Most attention is usually paid to the design of the store. Nothing strange, because the first impression is very important – it is an opportunity to persuade the client to stay, browse the site and buy. So why, after the purchase step, even 60% – 80% of the carts are left out, even if the order is not fulfilled?


We want to give you some tips on how to reduce the number of abandoned carts left.

The simpler the billing process

Make sure your billing form is clear and easy to understand. This can only be done by customizing the input fields for the information that needs to be entered. For example, use the date picker for the date entry field, dropdown for the country or city. The email box should be checked to see if the information entered matches the Email address format.

It is also possible to eliminate the need to fill in certain fields, depending on other options set by the buyer. For example, if the customer chose to “pick up the delivery method” then information about his address or city for further order execution is probably not required.

Pay-as-you-go systems such as PayPal, PaySera, and so on can facilitate the billing process. They allow users to log in to their bank account and pay for goods faster and more securely. This ensures that the billing process is not unnecessarily burdened.

One step billing

The most popular example of a simple billing process is one-step billing. This is complete order in one window.


In most cases, the order window is divided into 3 columns, where the buyer can simultaneously see all the information he entered, the amount of the order and its variation.

Postal code problems

This problem is very common. A rare who precisely remembers the postcode of his address. Therefore, when you need to enter a postcode for your purchases, the basket is temporarily left, and the new zip code is searched for in the new window. If you want to avoid shopping cart leaving we recommend that you provide a link (such as post.lt) next to the postcode entry box where buyers can easily find the required zip code. In addition, the system can automatically fill in the zip code field by the entered address. An example of such functionality can be seen in the sportsman.lt project.

Return of product rules

Before buying anything in the e-shop, it is often important for buyers to familiarize themselves with the conditions of exchange and return. This can even be a decisive factor in order completion. Therefore, it would be useful not only in the lower part of the site but also in the order window to refer to the rules for the exchange and return of goods or to give some basic points.

The contents of the shopping cart are always visible

Exploring e-store, the shopping cart should be easily accessible and visible at any time. Seeing the contents of the shopping cart at every step of the billing process will ensure that the buyer really buys just what he put in the cart and only the amount he chose. In this way, you will avoid returning to the order execution steps, gaining greater customer confidence in your e-shop and ensure good user experience.

Shopping without registration

Often only registered users can place orders in online stores. By signing up for customers, you just give them a reason to leave the store without the order. Allow customers to pay for goods in ‘guest mode’ and then suggest to create a user and save purchase information for the future. In any case, you will receive the customer’s name and email address.

Shipping / Delivery Price

It would be best to offer free shipping to customers. Otherwise, offer a delivery price that buyers would really be willing to pay. Doing so will not create conditions for customers to feel deceived. On the contrary, they will be able to not worry about “hidden” fees, which makes the purchasing process more fun.

Payment methods

Some customers prefer to pay in cash, while others – to pay by bank card at the time of picking up goods (for example, at postcards), third is ready to make a bank transfer or pay using payment systems (PayPal, PaySera, etc.). The more different billing methods you offer – the more likely a customer will find a suitable one and complete the order.

Remind customers of shopping carts left behind

Consider using the Pop-Up window. Just remember that such windows are often very annoying. If possible, encourage the buyer to complete the order in the Pop-Up window by offering a discount code or coupon that the buyer could only use at that time.

You can also use the abandoned cart programs. They allow you to create additional e-mails that will be sent to the customer with the contents of his / her basket or special discount code to encourage the customer to complete the order.

Magento Platform:

Thus, the billing process is perhaps the most important part of an e-shop. Every step here is crucial and has a huge impact on the buyer. Customize all possible solutions to make the billing process as simple and convenient as possible.

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